SU – Service-Performance – Handhabung nationaler Feiertage

Handling national holidays in your service performance indicators

An overview

  • At Kaufland Global Marketplace, your performance indicators take the national holidays of the respective sales channels into account.
  • Therefore German (nationwide) public holidays are taken into account for, Slovak public holidays for and Czech public holidays for
  • Sellers need to know the public holidays of the respective sales channels and make adjustments if need be.
What exactly does this mean for you?

In many cases, the country-specific holidays of the currently operating sales channels coincide. However, there are also cases where it is a public holiday in Germany but not in Slovakia, for example. For instances such as these, we have established the following regulation for your service indicators:

  • The expected delivery times will be adjusted to take the holidays of the respective sales channel into account.
  • Public holidays are also considered when calculating the ticket response time for each sales channel’s tickets.
  • You can find an overview of the various national holidays in our Seller University.

Seller based in Germany

Sales channel:

The service performance on takes public holidays throughout Germany into account. If you are based in Germany and are unable to ship orders on these days, your late delivery rate will not be negatively affected. The expected delivery times are adjusted to take each sales channel’s holidays into account. If an order is received on on a German bank holiday, your delivery window will be automatically extended by one day. In addition, the public holidays are also taken into account when calculating your ticket response time for the tickets of each sales channel (in this example, Please note that this regulation does not apply to regional holidays.

Seller based in Germany

 Sales channel: or

In this case, NO German public holidays are taken into account. So, for example, your delivery windows are not automatically extended. What this means for you is that to avoid negative effects on your performance and a deterioration in your on-time delivery rate or late delivery rate, you may have to make manual adjustments to your delivery windows in advance of German bank holidays. Customer tickets that are not processed on time during this time cannot be excluded – they are automatically included in the calculation of your ticket response time. In this case, your performance indicators and delivery times take the Slovak or Czech holidays into account.

KPI Export e-mails

If you have not met the marketplace requirements for at least one performance value in the previous week, you will receive an e-mail on Mondays informing you of your current service performance and a report containing the corresponding order units. The data will show you which orders did not meet the service standards and for which reasons. Based on these findings, you can initiate new measures and changes.