Performance Coach
Individual Coaching – according to your needs
Boost your performance and stand out from the competition to ensure even more sales success with in the future. Our Performance Coach service provides you with personal support and specifically uncovers hidden potential in your offer presentation.

The Performance Coach is your personal contact who will help you improve your performance on the Kaufland global marketplaces. You can arrange individual Coaching Calls to get advice on a wide range of topics, such as measures to increase sales and performance or your product data quality. You thereby uncover specific potential in your offer presentation and can set yourself apart from the competition through optimisation processes.
Interested? Then sign up for the Performance Coach here.
We offer the Performance Coach service in German and English.
Den Performance Coach-Service bieten wir auf Deutsch und Englisch an.
Program výkonnostní kouč nabízíme v němčině a v angličtině.
Službu kouč výkonu predaja ponúkame v nemeckom a anglickom jazyku.
Współpraca z Trenerem ds. wzrostu sprzedaży jest możliwa w języku angielskim i niemieckim.
Here’s how Performance Coach membership works

Details about Performance Coach services
Introductory Call
The purpose of the introductory call is for you and your Performance Coach to get to know each other, for you to ask your initial questions and share your goals and objectives in order to be optimally prepared for the coaching calls that follow. All coaching calls are held via video conference.
Coaching Calls
The content of the Calls is designed according to your individual needs. Possible topics include:
- Performance and sales increases
- Product data optimisation
- Google Shopping
- Marketing measures
- and much more besides
Premium Phone Support
Premium Phone Support is an exclusive service offered only to Performance Coach users. This helps save time and increase efficiency. The included callback service ensures that your questions are answered promptly. You can use Premium Phone Support for the duration of your Performance Coach contract period for support issues related to your seller account.
Monthly Sponsored Product Ads discount
Along with the support from your personal Performance Coach, you will receive a monthly discount of €30 for use on Sponsored Product Ads (SPA). With this discount you can further increase the visibility of your offers. Of course, we will help you set this up as well.
Weekly reports
As a user of the Performance Coach services, you benefit from additional reports: These are provided to you on a weekly basis via e-mail and contain personalised and exclusive information on your performance and numerous options for optimisation. The reports will provide you with information about your sales and offers, as well as an analysis of how the ratio between your buybox and your top categories has developed.
Additional Coaching
Would you like to have more Coaching Calls within the contract period, but you have already used up all included Calls? No problem, book as many additional Coaching Calls as you like at a later date.
Answers to frequently asked questions
When does my Performance Coach membership start?
Clicking on the Make binding booking button submits a binding request to sign up for a membership. However, your membership does not begin until we send you a registration confirmation via Kaufland Global Marketplace. If there are waiting periods due to a high number of requests, we will inform you promptly.
Where do I find more information about the Performance Coach?
You can find detailed information on the current page as well as in our GTCs about the Performance Coach service. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via e-mail at with any further questions.
What requirements do I need to meet to book the Performance Coach?
You should have a Kaufland Global Marketplace seller account with the sales channel activated, and you should already have made sales on
How do the introductory call and the coaching calls take place?
All coaching calls are held via video conference. Feel free to turn on your camera to make the conversations even more personal.
When do I contact Premium Phone Support and when do I contact my Performance Coach?
If you have questions about your Kaufland Global Marketplace seller account, please get in touch with our Premium Phone Support. Questions about your Performance Coach membership and the benefits included should always be addressed to your Performance Coach.
Where can I find the SPA advertising tool?
You can access this easily with two clicks in your Seller Portal under Services -> Sponsored Product Ads.
Before logging in for the first time, the terms and conditions must be accepted. Afterwards, simply click on “Log in”.
How do I create a Sponsored Product Ads campaign?
In your Sponsored Product Ads account (SPA account), you can create a new campaign via the New Campaign item in your Campaigns menu. Follow the system instructions to do this.
We recommend that you prepare by watching our webinar, “Advertising by Kaufland: Getting Started with Sponsored Product Ads!”
Do you still have questions about SPA?
Take a look at the FAQs via this link. You can find them at the very bottom of the page. You can also find more information in the SPA advertising tool in the “FAQ” tab.
How does the billing work for Performance Coach services?
The payment is automatically offset against your credit and appears as a separate item on your monthly commission statements. The billing takes place from the month following registration.