The integration score

The integration score represents the depth and breadth of the interface implementation of the respective software service provider and is made up of an evaluation of the following areas:

Product management: (Weighting: ~ 20 percent of the total score)

This category evaluates the possibilities and degree of automation for product data transmission and updating. The evaluation includes how well product categories and attributes can be mapped, whether they can be synchronised between the individual marketplaces and whether they can be displayed in different languages. In addition, the evaluation considers the mandatory and optional attributes as well as customised function offers that software service providers are able to suggest based on the individual needs of their sellers. It also analyses whether sellers receive feedback on the validity of the product data and if reasons for an invalidity status are sent when necessary.

Offer-Management: (Weighting: ~ 30 percent of the total score)

This category evaluates whether offer data can be transferred via the software interface, which of the Kaufland marketplaces this is possible for and whether the synchronization and updating of data between the systems is supported. Transmission methods, update frequency, options for individualised stock and price management as well as the handling of warehouse information, shipping groups, different currencies and offer statuses are all also evaluated.

Order management: (Weighting: ~ 45 percent of the total score)

Similarly to the analysis of the offer data connection, this category evaluates whether the interface provides options for retrieving order data and whether this data is also retrieved from all country marketplaces. The software’s ability to synchronise the order data between individual Kaufland marketplaces is also taken into account here. Furthermore, the assessment includes the methods used and the intervals at which orders are retrieved, the options and level of detail for marking orders as shipped, support for cancellations (including reasons), partial refunds and the availability of the Kaufland returns system. The evaluation also considers whether there is an option to transfer invoices and whether the software supports the Fulfilment by Kaufland logistics service.

Ticket management: (Weighting: ~ 5 percent of the total score)

This category highlights the software’s ability to facilitate an effective and comprehensive ticket management. The evaluation covers whether the system supports the Kaufland Global Marketplace’s ticket system, how tickets are retrieved and whether the software offers the option of opening new tickets and closing existing ones. Furthermore, it assesses whether messages and attachments can be sent and retrieved in tickets and whether reasons for opened tickets are displayed.