Seller Registration

On this page, you will find all the information you need to register as a seller with Kaufland Global Marketplace.

Requirements to sell with Kaufland Global Marketplace:

  • You are a trader
  • You are easy to reach (by telephone and e-mail)
  • You do not sell items from prohibited categories
  • You have an official EAN (GTIN) for all products (the EAN must have been assigned by the manufacturer or GS1)

Other requirements depending on the chosen country-specific distribution channel:
Shipping to end customers and processing of returns from your target countryin Germanyin the Czech Republicin Slovakiain Polandin Austria
Customer communication in the local language – at least in written formin Germanin Czechin Slovakin Polishin German
First level customer service will be provided from our side – as before.
In the future, there will be a multilingual ticket system to support you with customer communication in different languages.
Product details in the local languagein Germanin Czechin Slovakin Polishin German
Kaufland Global Marketplace offers you free product data translation.
You can have your existing product data translated automatically. You can make any changes afterwards at any time.
Legal texts in the local languagein Germanin Czechin Slovakin Polishin German
Our partners Händlerbund and IT-Rechtskanzlei will be happy to support you
EPR ComplianceRegistration in the LUCID packaging registernot necessarynot necessaryFor sellers in the “fictitious supplier” model: BDO number from BDO register & authorized representative for EPRGLN number from EDM portal, for non-Austrian dealers authorized representative for EPR
Additional information to EPR complience rules can be found here.
Our partner take-e-way can support you with EPR-Requirements.
For EU sellers:VAT ID of your registered office and use of the OSS procedure (or German VAT ID)VAT ID of your registered office and use of the OSS procedure (or Czech VAT ID)VAT ID of your registered office and use of the OSS procedure (or Slovak VAT ID)VAT ID of your registered office and use of the OSS procedure (or Polish VAT ID)VAT ID of your registered office and use of the OSS procedure (or Austrian VAT ID)
For non-EU sellersGerman VAT ID

Designation of a responsible person in the EU for CE-certified products manufactured outside the EU

Import of goods with a DDP label (delivery duty paid)
Czech VAT ID

Designation of a responsible person in the EU for CE-certified products manufactured outside the EU

Import of goods with a DDP label (delivery duty paid)
Slovak VAT ID

Designation of a responsible person in the EU for CE-certified products manufactured outside the EU

Import of goods with a DDP label (delivery duty paid)
Polish VAT ID

Designation of a responsible person in the EU for CE-certified products manufactured outside the EU

Import of goods with a DDP label (delivery duty paid)
Austrian VAT ID

Designation of a responsible person in the EU for CE-certified products manufactured outside the EU

Import of goods with a DDP label (delivery duty paid)

Required documents according to your legal form (minimum requirements):

Sole traderLegal Person
ID / passport of all legal representativesno upload,
needed for IDnow verification only
Business license
Trade register extractif applicable
Proof on the share division

Please note: On 1 July 2021, the countries of the European Union (EU) have introduced a new VAT regulation for e-commerce (“EU Digital Package 2021”) which affects your sales of goods to EU consumers via online marketplaces and therefore also via

One significant change of the new regulation is that the marketplace will be considered a ‘Deemed Supplier’ and will be obliged to calculate and pay VAT on B2C sales of goods on You will be affected by this if you carry out the following transactions for B2C sales on

  • Shipments of goods sent from an EU location to an EU customer if the seller is not located in the EU; and
  • Shipments of goods sent from a non-EU location to an EU customer if the value of the shipment does not exceed 150 euros.

You can find further information about the ‘Deemed Supplier Model’ here.

The beneficial owner:

According to the current Money Laundering Act, we are obliged to identify the beneficial owner(s) of your company. It is therefore very important that you provide this information when you register as a seller for your account to be activated as quickly as possible.

What is a beneficial owner?

The beneficial owner is the natural person who is the owner of funds or other assets of your company, or a legal entity (such as a limited liability company) that ultimately has control over the company (legal basis: §3 Money Laundering Act (GwG)). The beneficial owner directly or indirectly holds 25 % or more of the shares or voting rights in your company. Therefore, several persons of your company can be beneficial owners.

What details and documents are required regarding the beneficial owner?

To identify the beneficial owner, we require the name, date and place of birth, home address, as well as information on the exact capital share (in %). In addition, we require a shareholders’ agreement, a list of shareholders, corresponding audit reports or other proof of the shareholding structure within the company. Information in the shareholders’ agreement that goes beyond this information can of course be blacked out.

Example 1: Ltd with two beneficial owners

  • Shareholder A has a 50 % share in the company
  • Shareholder B has a 40 % share in the company
  • Shareholder C has a 10 % share in the company

Shareholders A and B are beneficial owners and would have to be declared by you accordingly. Shareholder C owns less than 25 % of the shares in the company and is therefore not the beneficial owner.

Example 2: Ltd with two beneficial owners and one participating company

  • Shareholder A has 33 % share in the company
  • Shareholder B has 33 % share in the company
  • A participating Ltd company has a 34 % share in the company

The participating Ltd company has the following shareholding structure:

  • Shareholder C: 40 % share in the participating company
  • Shareholder D: 60 % share in the participating company

Only shareholders A, B and D are beneficial owners. A and B, as they own more than 25 % of the shares in the Ltd.

Regarding the Ltd company involved, it depends on the ownership structure of the respective shareholders.

Shareholder C is not the beneficial owner, as 40 % is generally not sufficient for a majority shareholding or control of the Ltd company involved. This is only the case if at least 50 % of the shares are held. For this reason, shareholder D is the beneficial owner because he controls more than 50 % of the Ltd company involved.

Please upload all the necessary documents (including those relating the shareholdings of the involved company) when registering.

Do you have any questions?

Our personal Seller Support will help you!